Can CBD Oil help you sleep?
Research on the effects CBD has on sleep disorders is still preliminary. Some people who use CBD for chronic pain report sleeping better.
Other initial studies of CBD and sleep disorders suggest positive outcomes. Research suggests that low doses of CBD are stimulating, while high doses of CBD are sedating. Additional research is needed to deepen our understanding of CBD as an intervention for sleep disorders.
Anxiety and CBD
While not a sleep disorder itself, anxiety can contribute to poor quality sleep, insufficient sleep, and sleep disorders. Because CBD calms the nervous system, early research indicates that CBD can be used to treat anxiety-related disorders. One study showed that nearly 80% of participants who used CBD to treat their anxiety reported lower anxiety levels within a month. Sleep initially improved in more than 65% percent of participants, followed by fluctuating results.
Insomnia and CBD
People who suffer from insomnia experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep25 at night. This disorder affects daytime wakefulness, ability to concentrate, and mood. Because of their history of poor sleep, people with insomnia may suffer from anxiety about getting inadequate sleep, which can then increase sleeplessness at night26.
Given the potential positive outcomes of CBD treating anxiety, it is speculated that CBD may also help reduce the anxiety associated with insomnia. Additionally, a new pilot study27 of CBD and THC use in humans with physician-diagnosed insomnia is underway. The results of the study will offer more insight into the effects CBD has on insomnia.*
Nature's Organics Range
- Rich in oleic acid, a very healthy fat.
- Reduces cholesterol and improves heart health.
- High in lutein, an antioxidant that has benefits for the eyes.
- Enhances the absorption of important nutrients.
- May reduce symptoms of arthritis.
- Helps prevent gum disease.
- Contains healthy fatty acids. Coconut oil is high in certain saturated fats.
- Boosts heart health.
- Encourages fat burning.
- Has antimicrobial effects.
- Reduces hunger.
- Reduces seizures.
- May raise HDL (good) cholesterol.
- Protects your skin, hair, and teeth.
- Great source of Omega-3 fatty acids
- Glowing skin
- Improved cardiovascular and heart health
- Lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels
- Strong hair
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Prostate protection
- Restful sleep
- A healthful source of fatty acids.
- Improves blood sugar levels.
- Lowers cholesterol, boosts heart health.
- Fights inflammation.
- Soothes dry skin.
- Promotes weight loss in several important ways.
- Instant source of energy that can also be used to fuel your brain.
- May reduce lactate buildup in athletes and help use fat for energy.
- Could help manage epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease and autism.
- Contains powerful fatty acids that fight yeast and bacterial growth.
How do Feel Good CBD Products work?
All of the Feel Good CBD products contain only the finest natural ingredients and the purest, high-grade CBD, extracted from organic plants. CBD oils and tinctures should be taken orally, once or twice a day. The recommended daily dose of CBD will vary from person to person depending on what they are taking the CBD for. For the best effects the dose is dripped under the tongue and held there for 30 seconds so it is absorbed into the soft palate and into the bloodstream. Using this method means that none, or very little, of the cannabidiol is lost through digestion. The CBD then targets the areas that need it most by activating the body’s endocannabinoid system to help refresh, restore and repair.